Beyond Blockchain to Holochain: A Conversation with Arthur Brock

Arthur Brock devotes his time to projects that he believes support and accelerate the harmonious evolution of humanity, most recently building targeted currencies to shape the social dynamics of an emerging post-industrial economy. He’s created more than a hundred designs for multi-currency systems, and his current project, Holochain, provides an alternative to the blockchain for building and running fully peer to peer distributed applications. Art recently led a series of Holochain workshops and Hackathon in Austin, and took some time for a couple of interviews with our Plutopia correspondents, Benjamin Bradley and Tom Brown.

Arthur’s Austin visit/workshop was sponsored by Thriving Community Solutions, an organization that “offers a regenerative path forward to economic growth and eco-balance.” Here’s a YouTube talk by Thriving Community Solutions founder David Armistead:

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1 comment

Fixing the system: dream of an open world - Atlas of the Future — Atlas of the Future July 20, 2018 - 6:03 am
[…] more humane and ultimately, more feminine philosophies and processes. In a recent podcast on Plutopia News, Arthur Brock, another of the Holo team, specifically mentions how Holochain is fundamentally more […]
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