Carol Flake Chapman: Maybe We Will All Become Butterflies

In this episode of the podcast, Scoop and Jon talk to author Carol Flake Chapman about politics, the religious right, Covid-19, grieving, and poetry.

Carol is a distinguished journalist and editor. She was a founding editor of Vanity Fair, horse racing correspondent for The New Yorker, rock critic for The Village Voice, and Texas stringer for US News and World Report. She was an editor and columnist for The Boston Globe. She’s written for Harper’s, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Vogue, Conde Nast Traveler, Connoisseur, The Nation, Texas Monthly, and The New Republic. She covered subjects from religion, culture, and politics to travel and nature. Her pioneering book on evangelicalism and the rise of the religious right, titled Redemptorama: Culture, Politics and the New Evangelicalism, has become a classic, and her book about the city of New Orleans, titled New Orleans: Behind the Masks of America’s Most Exotic City, has been cited by many as one of the best books ever written about the city.

Since the death of  her husband, Gary Chapman, she wrote  about her journey of grief and healing in her book Written in Water: A Memoir of Love, Death and Mystery. As her path of healing has progressed, she has returned to poetry, her first love.

Lately she’s written poetry about the Covid-19 pandemic. Maybe We Will All Become Butterflies: Poems from the Pandemic takes on our Covid-19 ordeal with dark humor, telling details, compassion, anger and vision.

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