Joe Verona: Brainwave Entrainment

In this episode of the Plutopia News Network podcast, Jon talks to Joe Verona, a certified professional hypnotist specializing in brainwave entrainment (BWE) and biofeedback. The original neurohacker, Joe has explored hypnosis, meditation, energy practices, lucid dreaming and out of body experience as well as clinical uses for brainwave entrainment. Joe has been on a mission to not only learn all there is to know about brainwave entrainment, but also to encourage fresh research and product development.

Since downloading his first binaural beat session back in the 80’s, Joe has been on a mission to not only learn all there is to know about brainwave entrainment, but also to encourage fresh research and product development. Since his years at Transparent Corp., Joe has made a living creating brainwave entrainment sessions for commercial BWE companies and meditation apps, as well as individual hypnotherapy clients. With the explosion of affordable technology, Joe is on the soapbox clarifying exactly what BWE can do and dispelling the abundant myths and misconceptions. The advent of psychedelic therapy and the legalization of marijuana products has brought a renewed interest in BWE coming full circle from its roots in the hippie culture. The wake of the pandemic hysteria has left many looking for alternative wellness methods. Will BWE finally get the recognition and respect it deserves?

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