Ken Flippin: The Green Wave

Ken Flippin, a seasoned Texas political consultant and activist, has launched the Green Wave PAC, a political action committee aimed at promoting environmentally conscious political campaigns. Also focused on supporting public school advocates and ousting pro-voucher Republicans, Flippin’s PAC targets local races with the potential to sway the Texas House in favor of more progressive, community-oriented candidates. His broader vision includes ensuring that newly elected officials are well-prepared to tackle complex environmental issues in legislative sessions, and ultimately fostering joy, creativity, and agency in both local and statewide communities.

Ken Flippin:

If you don’t have somebody that can walk you through, like if you end up on environmental reg or any of the committees that involve the environment (of which there are four), it’s hard to navigate all those issues. So the point of the PAC is, because I’ve been working in environmental policy for some time, to help them prepare, before the session and then during the session, for that. The house seats that I’m targeting all are public school supporters that are trying to oust pro voucher Republicans. And there’s about five or six across the state that we have a chance of winning. And what I’ve heard is that we can win three and we’ll be able to stop vouchers.

Support Green Wave Pac by buying Texas Blue Swag!

Green Wave image by Chet Gipiti.

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