Pat Cadigan: The Queen of Cyberpunk

Science fiction author and undisputed Queen of Cyberpunk Pat Cadigan joins this episode of the Plutopia podcast. We explore cyberpunk, artificial intelligence, and her recent novelizations of classic sci-fi movies and Japanese anime. Pat tells us she has no plans to write her own movie scripts…

I am probably the wrongest person in the whole world to ever consider writing a screenplay, because apparently, you have to pitch this stuff. And my idea of a pitch is studio executives come to me and explain why I should give them time of day. I don’t make 30-second pitches on elevators to guys who can’t read. I’ve had just enough of Hollywood over the years to know that I’m probably not a good candidate for writing, for a studio. The other thing that they all seem to have is industrial strength ADHD, where they’re all excited about one project. And it’s all they can talk about. And then suddenly, you don’t hear anything about it, and everyone’s on to something else.

Previous Plutopia interviews with Pat:
Pat Cadigan: Alien 3 and Me
Pat Cadigan: Covid and Cancer Won’t Stop Me from Going to Work

Pat’s Latest Novelization

Photo by Andy Miah. License

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