Renshin Bunce: No Gaining Idea

Zen Buddhist priest Renshin Bunce joins the Plutopia podcast to discuss Buddhism and Renshin’s life as a priest. Renshin received dharma transmission in 2013. She worked as a hospice chaplain from 2010 until she retired in 2022.

Renshin Bunce:

Soto Zen is no gaining idea. We don’t practice, and practice – there are a few words, like practice, like God, like love, like life – they have so many meanings. When I say practice, what am I saying? Let’s say that the hard work of actual on the cushion zazen. So, we are taught you can’t go to that trying to *get* something. But of course, if we didn’t get some kind of result from it, we wouldn’t keep doing it. So back to your starting point, I think, is to actually be so courageous as to not cling to those results.

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