Suzanne Stefanac: Radio Free Zorca

Suzanne Stefanac, aka Zorca, is an interactive media consultant and former journalist. As a journalist, she wrote about digital issues for Wired, Macworld, New York Times and Rolling Stone, among others. With the launch of MSNBC in 1996, Stefanac was executive producer for The Site, an hour-long, nightly television program and website that explored how technology impacts modern life. Lately she’s been hosting Radio Free Zorca on kbmf 102.5 in Butte, Montana.

Suzanne’s KBMF.FM show,, streams every Saturday 4-6 mountain time at To view past musical themes and listen to shows, visit this link.

Photo by Geri Wittig

Suzanne Stefanac: “Butte itself is an incredibly staunch Democratic stronghold, and beyond – progressive, anarchist, and this is all because of the mining history. Labor unions became very very strong. Butte had some of the first actual unions. There are whole books written about it, and that has carried through. And so Butte’s very proud of its progressive standpoint. I did a show a while ago – each of my radio shows has a very specific theme, and it might be Arabic women singers or African guitar or blues covers or something kind of specific. Anyway I did one that was political. Of course it all leaned in one direction. And I got a couple of messages from people who listened from afar, and they were like ‘Are you still alive? Is it okay that you played all that?’ And I was like, ‘This is Butte. They all buy me drinks when I do these kinds of shows.'”

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