Virginia Eubanks is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, State University of New York. She is the author of Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police,…
EFF-Austin activists organized a “silent, very nerdy: protest when Ajit Pai gave a talk in Austin on August 3. The organization set up wifi hotspots that would be visible to…
What is net neutrality, from the activist’s perspective, and from a technical perspective? The term was coined in 2003 by Tim Wu as an extension of the common carrier concept,…
Is net neutrality dead? Many are confused about net neutrality and what its elimination means. Jon and Scoop joined EFF-Austin president Kevin Welch for a brief interview before his talk…
Arthur Brock devotes his time to projects that he believes support and accelerate the harmonious evolution of humanity, most recently building targeted currencies to shape the social dynamics of an…
(Originally published in FringeWare Review) In 1993, Jon Lebkowsky had a chat with Tom Jennings, who asked afterwards: “Think you can mention somewhere that I’m a fag anarcho nerd troublemaker/activist?…
I created the list below for the State of the World 2018 conversation (which is something I do every year with Bruce Sterling). 2017 was a nervous year of overwrought…
“I don’t call myself an artist, I just make things.” Tom Jennings builds bridges between technology and art, and is currently on faculty with the Calarts Art+Technology Program. He’s a…
We learned about Orbotix and its product, Sphero™, a smartphone-controlled robotic ball, when they signed on as a sponsor of Plutopia 2011. When we saw the video of Sphero™ in…
Douglas Rushkoff is a writer, documentarian, and lecturer whose work focuses on human autonomy in a digital age. He is the author of fifteen bestselling books on media, technology, and…