Robert Matney is Managing Director of Stream Integrity at New Knowledge, a company that detects, monitors, and mitigates social media manipulation — in various contexts, for diverse clients. The company…
Vinay Gupta is CEO of Mattereum, an organization dedicated to “Organizing the world’s property and making it universally accessible and useful” – riffing on the Google mission statement and applying…
Plutopia News Network recorded this talk by Jeremy Smith, Executive Director of Register2Vote, a TX 501c4 focused on increasing access to voting rights. Register2Vote and the related app, MapTheVote, are…
Jon Lebkowsky: the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Geek Activism
Plutopia News Network’s Jon Lebkowsky recently gave this talk at Nerd Nite Austin 108, “Adventures on the Electronic Frontier.” Lebkowsky presents an in-depth timeline for the founding and early days…
Scott McCollough has spent his years as an attorney focused on the places where technology collides with regulation, working primarily for telecommunications companies, Internet service providers, and application providers. He’s…
Nate Wilcox is an award-winning political and public affairs consultant and a recognized expert in online politics. He is the co-author, with Lowell Feld of “Netroots Rising: How a Citizen…
Brandon Wiley: The Future of Internet Freedom: Why It Will Fail, and How We Will Save It
Brandon Wiley, President of Operator Foundation, recently spoke on “The Future of Internet Freedom – Why It Will Fail and How We Will Save It” at an EFF-Austin meeting. Operator Foundation…
Virginia Eubanks is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, State University of New York. She is the author of Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police,…
EFF-Austin activists organized a “silent, very nerdy: protest when Ajit Pai gave a talk in Austin on August 3. The organization set up wifi hotspots that would be visible to…